
5 Rising Benefits of Construction Technology for Contractors

February 27, 2023
5 min
5 Rising Benefits of Construction Technology for Contractors

Construction technology has a unique place in a builder's world. Due to the advancement of technology, there are many use cases for construction technology depending on the need. In this article, we'll go over some of the rising benefits of construction technology.

There are many types of construction technologies on the market, like safety wearables, smart badges, workforce & project management solutions, BIM, augmented reality (AR) gear, drones, exoskeletons, and smart watches, to name a few.

When complimenting hardware and software solutions together, many contractors are beginning to see the benefits that come with proper implementation of construction technology.

Below, is a brief overview of some of the benefits that come with implementing construction technology correctly. Let’s take a look. 

Top benefits of construction technology

1. Improving workforce & project efficiency

Construction tech can help streamline simple operational processes, eventually reducing the time and resources required to complete a project. Having the right construction technology in place, like a management platform, can result in faster project delivery, lower costs, and higher profitability. Contractors can also centralize information and automate manual processes like data collection and certifications.

2. Enhancing safety

Worker safety on jobsites will always be a top priority, and with construction technology, contractors and other professionals can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Many professionals aim to be proactive and reactive when it comes to safety.

Unfortunately, many professionals are reactive when it comes to safety on a jobsite. To enhance proactive and reactive safety measures, contractors are utilizing simple safety wearables. For example, safety wearables can protect workers on the field with built-in features to provide insights for following up within seconds. 

3. Providing a higher quality of work

Construction technology can help improve the quality of work by providing precise measurements and reducing errors. Construction technology can also help improve the safety culture of a jobsite.

Many contractors and using building information modeling (BIM) software or drones to track progress in new ways and identify issues or delays before construction begins, resulting in a higher-quality finished product.

4. Enabling better collaboration

Collaboration in construction between different teams can be difficult. Working on a project with multiple teams can also be even more difficult. There are great solutions out there, like onboarding & safety orientation software, that can support contractors with seamless automation and communication tools for when there is a new hire.

Another form of collaboration is virtual augmented reality technology. Many construction companies are beginning to use VR to create a 3D model of a building. This technology allows architects, engineers, and contractors to visualize the project and collaborate in better, more unique ways. 

5. Empowering sustainability

Reducing the environmental impact of construction projects is a very important cause, and by using materials more efficiently and reducing waste, we can achieve a better sustainable structure for projects. To give context, prefabrication, and modular construction can reduce the amount of waste generated on a jobsite.

Finding the right construction tech for your project

With the right construction technology in place, many owners, general contractors, and specialty contractors can optimize their business's performance and safety in new ways than before.

There are many different types of construction technologies on the market, and finding the right one that fits your project’s needs is a good way to start.

Learn more about construction technology and Kwant’s suite of productivity & safety features built for owners, general contractors, and specialty contractors. Schedule a chat to see what you can unlock.

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