
Ensure Reliable Communication on Construction Sites with Mass Text Alerts by Kwant

August 10, 2023
4 min
Ensure Reliable Communication on Construction Sites with Mass Text Alerts by Kwant

Today, the majority of Americans now own a smartphone, roughly upwards of 81%. For many careers, mobile access has opened new doors to productivity and safety solutions across multiple industries. Construction specifically has seen dramatic growth due to the need for mass communication on jobsites.

Mass text alerts are a powerful tool that can be used to improve communication in emergency situations on construction sites. Construction sites are very loud and dangerous, making it difficult to hear if an accident or emergency happens on-site.

If there is an accident, it can also be difficult for management to communicate efficiently across the construction site to their workforce.

Let’s dive into some of the benefits that come with mass text alerts.

Mass text alerts features:

  • Send real-time safety alerts
  • Send safety reminders
  • Send weather alerts
  • Send project updates
  • Send schedule changes
  • Communicate muster point locations

Benefits of mass text alerts on jobsites:

  • Improves communication reliability
  • Improves delivery speed & efficiency during emergencies
  • Cost-efficient for the construction company 
  • Flexible messaging to workforce & trade partners

Types of safety weather alerts:

  • Snow Storms
  • Thunder Storms
  • Heat Waves
  • Heavy Rain

Mass text alerts by Kwant

Send safety alerts in real-time  

send real-time mass text alerts

Communicate muster point locations

send evacuation alerts

Verify workers are safe during emergencies

Manage your workforce

Try mass text alerts

Clear communication is essential when it comes to safety on construction sites. If you would like to learn more about the mass text alerts feature within the Kwant platform, please schedule a time with a representative today. Learn how to get started.

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